Thursday, 6 April 2017

Old-Skool USB Transmission & Vintage Futurist Techno

I've gone back in time to being plugged-in - yeah - that's me, old skool - the wireless keyboard was so crap it put me off writing but now here I am singing, yes, singing through the keys of this cheap (£14.99) USB lead muthafucking keyboard - ha! ha! Take that progressives!
(which is not to say I'm so dumb as to think there are no great wireless keyboards available, which I will probably have to get when LJ comes home and says "Ugh! What's that big black thing?!")

I went in the cafe the other day and says to the lady in there "Tuesdays, eh?" It was quiet in there, it always is, she said. We silently acknowledged the deadness of this particular Tuesday on which we both felt subdued. "Tuesdays..." I went on. "They're not Mondays...or Wednesdays." At which point she looked at me as if I was mad before taking the money for the cappuccino. I sensed she didn't understand me. I don't understand me half the time, so I went outside to a table.

Two days later and, surprise-surprise, it's Thursday. I'd love to tell you all the exciting things that have happened since let me think...


Some kids threw an egg at the window on Tuesday afternoon - scared the life out of me. I sat transfixed by the sight of the yolk running down the pane before jumping up, grabbing the keys and going out onto the street, which was devoid of kids. But what would I have done if I'd have caught them? I'd like to have cracked eggs over their heads but they would probably have beaten me up, so it was for the best, really.

If not exactly exciting, there's a great new/old EP I found yesterday by Der Zyklus called Renormalon, which has that super-clean techno-perfect sound which seems at odds with what is current about electronic music in the sense that so much of it likes to roll around in filth and get dragged along a dirt road before being presented. What I like about this is that it reminds me of old sci-fi films in which the future was always shiny (usually silver) and spotless. Whatever, this is great stuff...

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