Thursday, 9 March 2017


Fusing Folk, Jazz and Rock without sounding like a Canterbury Folk scene revivalist band is no mean feat but Revbjelde manage admirably on their new album for Buried Treasure....otherwise I wouldn't be writing about it...'cause I ain't too keen on that kind of music; none graces my collection at least. I'm assuming some members of what is really a collective-with-guests band do have extensive Folk-Rock collections, along with some Miles Davis and Muddy Waters? Hear the influences on Buccaboo, for instance, featuring a slowed down version of what sounds like the Baby Please Don't Go riff, topped by trumpet (OK, perhaps more Chet Baker than Miles Davis) and buoyed by up by a nice fat acoustic bass.

So rather than play straight genre games, Revbjelde mix things up, which is their forte, you might say, as on the opener, The Weeping Tree...all so New Folk for a while until the inclusion of a harmonica which lends a totally new feel to what already feels like a 'soul' version of Folk, if you get me. Dolly Dolly adds his poetic magic to Reading Abbey and For Albion, the latter being the longest track and one that sums up the band, sliding as it does from the plaintive to mutant Disco and Folk.

I'd like to hear the band test the experimental twilight zone more because they're clearly capable, as parts of this album prove. As things stand, though, you'd be hard pushed to find a better genre-bending album than this.

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