Tuesday 5 August 2014

The Wonderful World Of Other People's Lives via Blogging

After a hard day's work buying books and slaving over the cutting board I was at a loose end so I thought: 'I know, I'll see what other bloggers are doing'. In a random fashion, of course, by simply clicking on 'Next Blog'. 

As devotees followers slaves fans regulars will know, I've done this before with fascinating results. Well, I find them fascinating because it's a stroll past the windows of other people's lives, at dusk, when they've got the lights on but haven't drawn the curtains, so-to-speak. 

It never ceases to amaze me what people put into the public realm. I almost feel guilty for looking, suspecting that most don't expect complete strangers to see their family photos. Shouldn't someone tell them that by clicking 'Next Blog' strangers might see what their baby looks like, or their wedding photos? But then, I suppose they're so proud of their marriage and breeding programme that they'd be very happy to share the results with us.

Woe is me! An alien, a (white) brother from another planet, stuck here, destined to look on whilst humans
go about their lives of marriage, reproduction and God Following (imagine the Followers count for God's blog! What would he write? 
   'Just ended loads of lives but, hey, I created a lot too, more than I ended, actually - good day! And, please, stop emailing me about why I can't prevent war, untimely deaths, starvation, natural disasters (there's a clue in the title, I only created it, I can't control it!). I promise to answers all your prayers in time but I've got a lot to get through.'
   Yes, I look on...a grubby face against the window of Normal Life...sob...longing to have a car, house, wife, career, 42-inch TV with Sky, insurance, good pension etc...sniff...that's how sorry this random blog-visiting makes me feel...

Eric just hit four in March, 2013...Tammy realises she knows less about herself (I wonder if by now she knows even less?)...to whoever wrote 10 Cent Freeze Pops (?), yes, I did leave, quickly, no offence but, you know, I was only passing...The Not So Secret Life Of The American Teenager...mmm...note, not An American Teenager but The American Teenager! Whoopee! Aaaah, yes, Precious Moments indeed...the greatest day of her life...it was all downhill from then...Pastor Kevin's got a blog, the trendy bugger! What a Hip Priest! Note that he's a 'God Follower' first, which I hope his wife's happy with. I suppose she is, I mean, everyone comes second to Him....Danielle Hartland takes wedding photos...they ain't 'alf classy...finally Art With Liz...good luck, Liz, they look like the kind of paintings that will sell... 


  1. Well, of course, after reading this I just had to try it. And I felt a little grubby afterwards...
    I was suddenly presented with endless photos of an all-American family who looked liked they'd just walked out of a toothpaste advert, and then by contrast a pair of Beavis-&-Butthead-alikes going on about chicks and beer. I had to stop....

  2. Sorry for causing you to endure the experience, C. I should have added 'Don't try this at home'.


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