Monday, 29 June 2015

Microtonics Compilation

Here's that compilation you didn't ask for. Someone did, though, just because he was having to paint a room and wanted some entertainment. "Don't think about it too much", he said, so I didn't. It still turned into a pretty good selection. Jazz, electronic (old and new) beats and moods for modern people - ha-ha! So if you want it, click on the link under the track listing. And enjoy. Or don't.  

1 sirius and vega - $.99 dreams
2 spiritual eternal - alice coltrane
3 birchwood landscape - andrzej Korzynski
4 primitive london 3 basil kirchin
5 cha tatch ka - baron
6 magma - camille sauvage
7 microtonics 9 - broadcast
8 earth message - bernard fevre
9 ?
10 post emancipation psychosis - djs2
11 atonium vertigo - felix kubin
12 flicker.funk - frank bretschneider
13 big tunnel recordist - frank riggio
14 trafelato - ennio
15 la malizie - gian reverb
16 grass roots - andrew hill
17 jazz rule - johnny hawksworth
18 it's after the end of the world - sun ra

Here (55MB MP3)


  1. Had to pause while playing this to head off in search of the La Formule du Baron album. Found it. Spiffing compilation. I suspect my purchases aren't done yet.

    1. Glad you're enjoying it. The Baron track's an old fave.


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