Sunday, 25 May 2014

Sun Ra at 100 / Fondation Maeght

Sun Ra was born 100 years ago last Thursday (May 22nd) but I wasn't home to celebrate by posting then so here's a visual tribute I made...

...I was in France on the Côte d'Azur where, coincidentally, Sun Ra also spent some time playing a gig at Fondation Maeght, a museum of Modern Art near Saint-Paul de Vence. Ra was there in 1970...

...whilst my appearance was not so monumental as to be recorded sonically (anyway, that would mainly consist of 'Wow!', 'Amazing!', 'Oh, God!' etc) there is photographic evidence...

Wandering the galleries I wondered which space was the place where the concert happened but didn't see a likely room. The museum blew my mind and the thought of seeing Sun Ra there sent me into a trance whilst standing next to a Giacometti sculpture...

I'll post more pics of that amazing place soon. Meanwhile, I belatedly raise a glass to Sun Ra, the man who walked through the door of the cosmos 100 years ago and reported what he saw for the eternal pleasure of us mere mortals...


  1. Cote d'Azur? A museum of modern art? Giacometti? As common parlance has it: well jel.

  2. Please, C, none of that common parlance around here, thank you.

  3. Can you tell me where I can buy this print?

  4. email me to discuss: tarzanibm(at)


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