Thursday, 1 August 2013

Various Artists - No End of Vinyl (Cronica)

Vinyl's had countless funeral's since the arse-end of the last century...cue silence as the needle of fate (!) glides over the run out groove before the arm finally comes to rest in peace...

But wait, a revival?! Yes, you've all heard talk of it, probably since this new century began. Everyone will be a star for fifteen minutes and everything shall be revived - Goth (what do you mean 'It's not dead!'?), Mod, cup cakes, fanzines, Arsenal winning trophies (ha-ha!) etc.

Vinyl's never died for me, but it's come close a few times since I packed up DJing. Now I just buy odd things that appeal, usually because of the cover and cover price. Whilst kids (and almost everyone else who's into music) frenzy-feed on MP3 files, men of a certain age (approaching Middle?) lash out on lavish limited vinyl editions. It's akin to baby boomers buying motorbikes, but a bit cheaper, only a bit. You have to be financially buoyant to buy new vinyl, but it recaptures that old feeling that the medium carries a very special message, presumably. Numero Group wrote an article about the phenomenon for The Wire in June.

Cronica's compilation of tracks inspired by Pure's 1999 album, The.End.Of.Vinyl (free download) is worth a listen. JSX's Biological Agents of Vinyl Degradation gets my vote for the title alone, although it's a worthwhile sonic slap 'round the ears. @c's zweiundneunzig (für Pure) is another highlight, acousmatic for the people - well, people like me who are fond of some sensory rearrangement. Rashad Becker's Take Me To Your Lead Out is another superb traditional song for a notional species.

Generally, a solid set of post-Glitch-drone-beat (ha-ha) for you modern swingers.

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