Monday 29 February 2016

Random Access Memory?/memories/about 30/40 Years Ago/Viv Albertine

Random Access Memory, RTomens 2016

Well, as I said to a friend yesterday, you know you're getting on when you say things like "I saw that about 30 years ago" as I did when he mentioned recently buying Lindsay Anderson's If on DVD (well, it wouldn't be VHS, would it?).
Time's dragging me under and it's my own fault for succumbing to shows like Top Of The Pops: The Story Of 1978...
During which I began to get quite depressed...although seeing Viv Albertine cheered me up a little...

...I'm currently enjoying her book, Clothes Music Boys, being the last person on the planet to read it, probably, but I've not fancied a musical memoir since reading Charles Mingus' Beneath The Underdog...about 30 years ago...still, seeing this second-hand I thought I'd give it a go and it's as good as every says it is. I saw The Slits...about 40 years ago (christ!) and my only memory is of  Ari Up telling a crap joke, maybe two. Looking it up, I find that it was actually 1978, so only 38 years ago...that makes me feel better...

...thinking back whilst watching the programme, it dawned on me that 1978 was a crap year for me, not so long out of school and entrenched on Work, dull, dull Work, probably wondering if my whole life was going to be like that...what did I expect? I couldn't even be arsed to learn three chords and join a Punk band but seeing those who did offered some relief, at least. Yes, it was all clothes, music and, if I got lucky, girls. Perhaps things would have turned out differently if I'd been born in London instead of the sticks, but unlike Viv, I never hankered after a guitar. 
Bastard was grinding into a pitiful wreck as I laid on the sofa...but what the hell. I'm just vowing here right now not to watch any more Pop nostalgia, from times I can remember at least...

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