........................................'the soul, the mind, the body'..............'the future'.................
I don't know where the sample comes from - it's on Demdike Stare's mixtape, The Age Of Innocence & good it is too, of course, but they really should get their arses in gear & make a new record, don't you think?
What? You don't care? OK..........................................................................
talking of mixes.................
33rd! Who-o-o-o-o! That's up 49 places since Dec 17th so I'm hoping to be Number One for Xmas, you know, just like Slade & those other bastards that plague us to this day if we dare to venture into shops looking for gifts.........last year we complained to the manager of Sainsbury's because they started playing that stuff in November................this year it started later.....it pays to complain? if you haven't heard the mix it's here
made some art recently, three variations on this:
the other two versions are here

.......................hauntology..........the beast that would not die? which is ironic, isn't it, considering the genre's dalliance with undead/spiritual/spooks etc.........so...........
....................................................................another bloody 'hauntolgy' album?! Eh?
...............maybe you do................maybe you don't.................................................but here I'm passing on
The Seventh Cyrkle by The Seventh Cyrkle because despite containing every trope imaginable & if you're being cruel, cliché, it's bloody good even with magyk circle-Demdike-devil-rides-out-Wicker whatever all over it - yes, very good, except I don't like the Folky vocals, of which there are few, thankfully.......based on a 1975 horror anthology of the same name..........................................
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