Saturday 30 August 2014

New Collages

Recent work with paper, made quick-fire fashion, improvisational rather than meticulously planned placement of objects. You know, I'm just crazy like that....but...I think the pace of production lends them a quality that they would lack if pondered over for too long. Designed as a pair, obviously. 


  1. These are fantastic! The battle ship in the meadow!

    I'm just a fella that sells chicken wings but, you're instincts are like a ninja's. I really like these.

    I goof around painting...and I try and often fail, to create a quick cut up look to my efforts...deconstruction as aesthetic Truth...even post-modernism can't escape it.

    I'd also like to evoke a feeling that's similar to a Pink and Brown song...I probably fail at this too but, it won't stop me from dumping a bunch of their songs on my blog.

    1. Thanks Erik, carrying on 'goofing around', it's good for you.


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