Monday 5 September 2011

Fill Wembley Stadium, Buy A Yamaha Starmaker

I wonder if anyone bought a Yamaha Starmaker Shoulder keyboard from Argos and went on to fill Wembley stadium. Yes, it’s 1987, and kids across the land are rushing to get this, and with it strapped across their shoulders they instantly start ‘looking like a star’. Huh, and I had to make do with a tennis racket as a kid, strumming it whilst singing Beatles tunes. I did progress to a mop when I was older (about 19), which was better for impersonating the intricate fretwork of  Jimmy Page. Mum came into my room once whilst I was in the middle of ‘Custard Pie’ – most embarrassing, I should have been at work. I don’t know if the price was reasonable in ’87 but something tells me this instrument was mostly used as a glorified tennis racket. The guy in the ad looks like he’s just come back from a wine bar after a hard day in the City. It quite possibly symbolises the very worst of the 80s regarding dress sense, aspirational Yuppiedom, and god-awful music. I’ve not yet found a clip of the shoulder guitar-keyboard thing being put to any good use, but did come across a truly dreadful example. If you can sit through 2.56mins of this, you deserve a medal. I bet Rick didn’t buy his from Argos...

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