
Friday, 18 May 2012

The Third Mind - William Burroughs & Brion Gysin - Collages

These didn't appear in the book, The Third Mind, as published by Viking Press in '78, and John Calder in '79. You can read that in pdf form here. Criminally, it's never been reprinted, so on-screen is the only way many can read it nowadays. The many images created in 1965 were supposed to be for a large format book, but Grove rejected it on grounds of cost. The book that did finally appear is still an essential document of both cut-ups and the relationship between WB & BG.


  1. saw nice/ice too sea realativity apparent on the interzone ,, blessed dreams, john in london

  2. These pages are just beautiful, many thanks for sharing them here. I am just in the process of playing through a fabulous collection of Burroughs readings which was assembled by Giorno Poetry Systems some years ago. When Burroughs' loquacious, nasal burr fills the room it sends a shiver down the spine.

  3. Glad you both appreciate these pages from the interzone...Bill's readings are indeed a thing of wonder.
